Enhancing the Civil Card Issuance Process in Kuwait

Enhancing the Civil Card Issuance Process in Kuwait. In Kuwait, the issuance of civil cards has recently encountered several challenges, resulting in delays that have affected thousands of Kuwaiti citizens and expatriates. Fortunately, Jaber Al-Kandari, the Deputy Director General for Civil Registration Affairs, has provided valuable insights into this matter. Here are the key developments in this regard:
Implementation of a Prioritization Strategy
To expedite the processing of card applications submitted after May 23, the Public Authority for Civil Information took the strategic step of discontinuing the issuance of cards submitted prior to that date. This measure was implemented to address the issue of numerous individuals not receiving their civil cards due to delayed processing.
Fee Reimbursement for Unissued Cards
Individuals who had paid the 5-dinar fee for a civil card that was not issued will receive a reimbursement, with the fee credited to their account with the Authority. This ensures that the fee remains available for use in the event a card is not issued, sparing individuals from the need to pay the fee again when submitting a new card application.
Fee Exemption for Unissued Cards
For those who previously paid the 5-dinar fee for card issuance but did not receive their cards, there is a significant benefit. These individuals will be exempt from paying the fee when renewing their residency or updating their information, making the civil card issuance process free of charge in such cases.
Emphasis on Timely Card Collection
Al-Kandari stressed the importance of promptly collecting issued cards to prevent them from accumulating in the processing machines. This accumulation can lead to delays in the issuance of new cards, particularly given the existing regular issuance schedule.
Improved Card Issuance Speed
The card issuance process has witnessed significant enhancements, with most cards now being issued within 24 to 48 hours in the majority of cases. This development has alleviated the burden on those who have been anxiously awaiting the issuance of their civil cards.
The Public Authority for Civil Information is taking proactive steps to tackle the challenges faced in the issuance of civil cards in Kuwait. The fee reimbursement and exemption policies provide a fair solution to individuals who have paid for cards that were not issued, ensuring they will not have to incur additional costs when submitting new applications or renewing their residency.